Dave913: Stitians Lake, Cornwall UK.
RJSchutDigitaal: Grote tanglibel - Large Pincertail - Große Zangenlibelle - Onychogomphus uncatus
Dave913: Carnon Valley, Cornwall UK.
RJSchutDigitaal: Bonte beer - Scarlet Tiger - Schönbär -Callimorpha dominula
Dave913: Wheal Whidden, Cornwall UK.
Crazy Mushroom: Lycoperdon perlatum
Keefy2014: Rainbow Bee-eater (Merops ornatus)
austindca: skipper on frogfruit
Dave913: Carnon Valley, Cornwall UK.
austindca: queen in the garden
Dave913: Falmouth, Cornwall UK.
p.marteville: Dragonfly in a sunray
austindca: clematis flower
Ralf Hüsges: always smile into the camera
cclborneo: Ant-mimic Jumping Spider (Agorius sp.)
Christian ±π: Wildbiene
wang1688: Male Slaty Skimmer on Canna Lily Buds
Dave913: Ladock, Cornwall UK.
Dave913: Carnon Valley, Cornwall UK.
RJSchutDigitaal: Oranje breedscheenjuffer - Orange Featherleg - Rote Federlibelle - Platycnemis acutipennis
Dave913: Trelusback Reserve Cornwall UK.
ゆたぽん: モウセンゴケ(毛氈苔)(2) 2024/06/08
austindca: cicada
Dave913: Carnon Valley, Cornwall UK.
austindca: katydid nymph on salvia
austindca: red-banded leafhopper
Dave913: Falmouth Cornwall UK.
Norbert Lefevre: # Explore ... 6 ... # Guêpier d'Europe ( Merops apiaster - European Bee-eater )
Dave913: Falmouth Cornwall UK
Dave913: Falmouth Cornwall UK.