N0_Sm0king: Armenia
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: One of many...still alone
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Dogs think they're humans. Cats think they're gods.
A'man: 16012010138-001
Ingrid0804: Ditte with my warm winter hat!
shinbonerbaz: A dogs life!
Natashya Bay: Eyes to Melt Hearts
Greg from Maine: Waves of Serenity
Andrea Laybauer - Photographer: hey! look at that!
SANITHA ALAM: The blue ,the green and the red
mambolou: Queen Anne Sundown 2
Jimmy'z Imagez: Monument
Jimmy'z Imagez: Not What it seem
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: "Name the Bead" game...
♥siebe ©: Wedding / Trouwreportage / Bruiloft
Southsidedean: Maddison LOL
pdxbeanies: Newsgirl Beanie - dark rose
pdxbeanies: Newsgirl Beanie - dark rose
Sir Cam II: Red Fort
Ingrid0804: Poppies
hullaballoo2: morning dew
hullaballoo2: skinny trees reflected
hullaballoo2: 2 babies
stangcob69: walking along...