meylan1982: The Balconies
meylan1982: Rues de Paris
FotoGrazio: Celestial Embrace
Anthony White: Poseidon's Fury
booksin: amorphous blue #2
booksin: '35 reflections
booksin: blue ribbon panel
བཀྲིས།: Spherical Radial Reflections
bernard.saubot: Urban abstract
Stefan Reichert: Architectural Square 78
Stefan Reichert: Architectural Square 28
Stefan Reichert: Reflections 30
Stefan Reichert: Abstract Origami 12 (Love is all around!)
Stefan Reichert: Architectural Square 95
Stefan Reichert: Les ombres et les couleurs 2
stu ART photo: Birmingham, England
longitudepacific: Prettier Inside - Plus beau à l'intérieur
longitudepacific: Trajectories - Trajectoires
longitudepacific: Concentric - Concentriques
Stefan Reichert: Le noir et les couleurs 1
chemotoxic: DSC_8093 sok_cr2 1500 keret
chemotoxic: DSC_7988 bw wp bp_cr 1500 keret
Renato Morselli: Graphite on polyester film
Renato Morselli: Graphite on polyester film
gerdvanmechelen: Snow Low key HSS
feliksbln: fassadenträumchen | łódź/lodz | 0611
feliksbln: knickiger ausblick | 上海/shanghai/schanghai | 2410
leo.roos: The void