Thomas Shahan: Eyes of a Female Phidippus workmani - Florida
Tonda Tok: Philaeus chrysops male (Skákavka rudopásá samec)
Thomas Shahan: Male Habronattus virgulatus Jumping Spider - Arizona
Thomas Shahan: Eye Arrangement of a Hogna Wolf Spider
Lukjonis: Female jumping spider - Evarcha arcuata portrait
G Vargas: jumping spider -- Phidippus pius
Thomas Shahan: Adult Female Cardinal Jumper (Phidippus cardinalis)
Tome Rodrigo: Hypnotic (Phidippus regius)
Thomas Shahan: Blue-faced Meadowhawk - Sympetrum ambiguum (With Video!)
Thomas Shahan: Adult Male Phidippus putnami Jumping Spider
Tome Rodrigo: Green metalic damselfly
Tome Rodrigo: Phidippus regius eyes (with small parasite)
Thomas Shahan: Female Blue Dasher Dragonfly (Pachydiplax longipennis)
Tome Rodrigo: Phidippus regius
Mundo Poco: Adult Male Phidippus apacheanus
Thomas Shahan: Eyes of a Holcocephala fusca Robber Fly
Thomas Shahan: Anterior Median Eyes of an Adult Female Paraphidippus aurantius
Thomas Shahan: Robber Fly (Triorla interrupta) with Dragonfly (Plathemis lydia)
Tome Rodrigo: Dragonfly portrait
Thomas Shahan: Eyes of an Adult Female Phidippus putnami Jumping Spider
Thomas Shahan: Adult male Paraphidippus aurantius Jumping Spider (With Cannibalism Video!)
Thomas Shahan: Anterior Median and Lateral Eyes of a Female Jumping Spider - (Maevia inclemens)
Tome Rodrigo: Fire eyed Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula)
Thomas Shahan: Female Jumping Spider (Habronattus coecatus)
Rundstedt B. Rovillos: Portia labiata
Thomas Shahan: Face of a Southern Yellowjacket Queen (Vespula squamosa)
Mundo Poco: Jumping Spider Closeup
Thomas Shahan: Adult Female Phidippus audax Jumping Spider (With Video)
Mundo Poco: harvester ant
Mundo Poco: brown