Besouro verde!
Besouro, eu acho.
Gerson Tavares:
Besouro V
Valter França:
Besouro verde e amarelo metálico - Beatle - (ordem: Coleóptera)
Greg Miles:
Grey Fantail
Kurt (
Hybanda bulbicornis IMG_8774 copy
Kurt (
IMG_6013 copy
Kurt (
IMG_6024 copy Barred Eagle owl Bubo sumatranus
Eric Lafforgue:
Hamer girls in Turmi market, Omo, Ethiopia
AF Rodrigues:
Morte na Maré_13_Foto de AF Rodrigues_2
ajay's visual~panorama©:
Wandering whistling duck and ducklings.
Kurt (
Pericalus depressus IMG_7744 copy
Purple Haze
Rita Barreto:
Terno de Pífano
ajay's visual~panorama©:
Razorbill in bridled form (with spectacles), against the Aquamarine waters of Atlantic Ocean at Skomer Island, Great Briton.
Thias (°-°):
By SAMBRE @Bains Douches
Kurt (
Prosopocoilus buddha IMG_7083 copy
Kurt (
Prosopocoilus buddha IMG_7091 copy