Sanja S*: Sunny yellow roses
Jan Nagalski: Big Green Iguana
Sanja S*: Fascination
Jan Nagalski: Bird's Eye; Bird's Ear
AnneMarly: linda.....
AnneMarly: /*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
AnneMarly: //////////
AnneMarly: SHOW
AnneMarly: Belíssima!
Stephen B53: Goshawk!
Oldt1mer - Keith: The Great And The Blue
clabudak: Chippy (Explored 11-1-21 #20)
jlst2i: A rare visitor
francisaubry: Faucon crécerelle femelle (Falco tinnunculus) Kestrel
francisaubry: Guêpier d'Europe (Merops apiaster) Bee-Eater
francisaubry: Martin-pêcheur (Alcedo atthis) Kingfisher
francisaubry: Guêpier d'Europe (Merops apiaster) Bee-Eater Chaffinch Long-tailed tit
alvito.teolis: Martin pêcheur en vol stationnaire
dale 1: Sparrow hawk
dale 1: Kingfisher
Amy Hudechek Photography: Great Kiskadee
Pics_by_Brian: Tennessee Warbler Explored May 26, 2024)
bobmullen777: Northern Cardinals 5-25-25
MarjieM777: Oh of the many deer that sample my garden
MarjieM777: Swallowtail on the peonies
punahou77: Double Arch, Arches N.P.
ThatsRick: Male Western Tanager @ Our Meadow This Morning