boshiang: Yellow girl with pumpkin
chen r.j.: Sunrise_Xindong Bridge, Miaoli (Taiwan)
蔡藍迪: Taiwan is Taiwan
Ryansly: Wall of democracy and dream
柯金源 Ke Chin-Yuan: 2014.09.22香港浸會大學的學生在教室走廊掛出罷課布條
Toyokazu: have a dream
Timy312: IMG_8297
tonal decay: Good News, Bad News, Who Knows...
eduardo menéndez: Bailaora callejera / Street dancer
August Huang: 抽到薑餅人的模樣 XD
kejhih: P1120547-52
August Huang: IMG_3525
August Huang: IMG_4432
柯金源 Ke Chin-Yuan: 2014.04.26落實民主.終結核電060
August Huang: IMG_2717
C-Bill: 時刻表-2點55分25秒
Crusade.: Their souls.
August Huang: IMG_1567
Mudu Yang: 紛飛
Ryansly: symmetry
Jon Siegel: Durian Chendol