moaan: Fixed Point Observation
55randomclicks: When all you want is a hug but everyone thinks you want to kill them.
55randomclicks: If you are feeling trapped..
Mizulys: こんにちは、
* Yumi *: light art 2014-7
55randomclicks: Dear books
55randomclicks: Nature can be quite inspiring...
55randomclicks: You're only as big as your heart will let you dream.
55randomclicks: Leaf collector
55randomclicks: We sure do make beautiful music together!
55randomclicks: Saved you a place
55randomclicks: And the winner is
55randomclicks: When you are with the right people, life smiles at you.
55randomclicks: It's time to let go.
55randomclicks: Happy Friday
55randomclicks: Be cute and you'll get away with, a lot.
* Yumi *: cosmos
* Yumi *: 萩の花
moaan: Yellow Magic
.natasha.: Corniglia
PetitPlat - Stephanie Kilgast: Miniature Gingerbread Houses - Christmas 2014
Sweetapolita: Little Wee Cake for a Little Wee Cakelet
*steveH: atelier 09/04/2011
Sweetapolita: A Mad(ish) Tea Party
♥ Elly Jelly ♥: My Turn! *Joni**