Gori Girl: The flash was a little bright...
Gori Girl: Throne 2
Gori Girl: On our thrones, before the ceremony started
Gori Girl: Hands
Gori Girl: Wedding 22
Gori Girl: Feeding the Fire III
cathy.bluteau: paper kits in the shop
cathy.bluteau: girl sketches
Librarianboy: Petit Bocal #1 #squaready
Librarianboy: Agent on the hammock
Design Cakes: Indian style wedding cake
Debbie Cakes: She said yes
AM_DB: Customary Mehndi on the bride's hands
Will Lion: lingering first impression
Will Lion: altruism makes you more attractive
Will Lion: literacy to visuality
Will Lion: comfortably numb
VinothChandar: Burden of life
VinothChandar: Angel
VinothChandar: The BIG Guy
trixinc: Glory of the Bangles!
Pro_G77: Indian Bangles
haegernerd: Royal Haeger Bull
fabulous lawyer: 11978449435
Lalallallala: Children at Hospet
FabIndia: Kutch
FabIndia: Nirona Village