Gori Girl: Finished product!
Gori Girl: Pelted with Flower Petels
Gori Girl: Getting the Loha
Gori Girl: Sindoor is applied
Gori Girl: Seven steps
Gori Girl: Walking around the fire
Gori Girl: Which side is the heart on, again...
Gori Girl: Feeling for a Heart
Gori Girl: Pour!
Gori Girl: Leftovers - to the fire!
Gori Girl: Cupped Hands of Laja-Homa
Gori Girl: Puffed Rice
Gori Girl: Feeding the Fire
Gori Girl: Pouring Puffed Rice
Gori Girl: Aditya's brother
Gori Girl: Dada
Gori Girl: Heat
Gori Girl: Pyro!
Gori Girl: Hot!
Gori Girl: Dusk
Gori Girl: Feeding the Fire II
Gori Girl: Hindu weddings are good for pyros like me
Gori Girl: Concentrate!
Gori Girl: Feeding the Fire III
Gori Girl: Aditya's foolin' around
Gori Girl: Wedding Ceremony