Jerry Ting: Say's Phoebe
Naturissima: Sarcelle d'hiver (Anas crecca) - Eurasian Teal
antino.c: Lucherino maschio
c.marney: He Aint Heavy..
jarrardphotography: Mission Creek
Piotr Skiba: About Feeling Blue / O smutku
Francois Primeau: Goéland à bec cerclé - Ring-billed Gull - (Larus delawarensis)
DaveSPN: Happy FriYay - HFDF
FOCALEANIMALIERE.HZR: 111111 Animal-Evasion-Photo ©
Judy Gallagher: Syrphid - Eupeodes americanus complex, Woodbridge, Virginia
AngusPritchard: Chestnut-breasted Coronet, Guango Lodge, Ecuador
geneward2: Southwest USA
Maryse Hébert: Mésangeai du Canada
mamacollins231283: Isolation Bay
anne.w.51: Perfect Mimicry
Rien van Voorst: push proces
Rien van Voorst: oh George!
Rien van Voorst: to the trains
Ales Dusa: Tough guy in a hat
hugo poon - one day in my life: retrospective: "delay no more" (Dec 2007)
Ales Dusa: Expressive blue eyes
Erwin Vindl: watchdog
Erwin Vindl: icecream
Erwin Vindl: upstairs
Erwin Vindl: speedy
Erwin Vindl: there is light ... somewhere
querformat-fotografie: [VitraHaus - Weil am Rhein / Februar 2018]
Paphylo: Workers on the road