Eric Gofreed: Parting Words at the Nest
John LeClair: Belted Kingfisher in Flight
Eric Gofreed: Tufted Antshrike - female
Eric Gofreed: Bewick's Wren
Thy Photography: Western Screech Owl
Wim Hoek: Maroon-bellied Parakeet / Bruinoorparkiet
John LeClair: Pied Kingfisher Hovering
Eric Gofreed: Belted kingfisher-male
Eric Gofreed: Daredevil
Don's PhotoStream: The Bridge at Hội An
John N Hoang: Happy and Peaceful New Year
Michelle Hang Bui: _DSC7191 _ Golden Eagle in flight
Thy Photography: Northern Pygmy Owl
pekabo90401: Christmas Day Canyon Wren 9743 MCSP Southern California
John LeClair: Wait Your Turn!
Eric Gofreed: Ringed kingfisher: Near Impact
Eric Gofreed: Nature’s Ornament: A Waxwing and its Berry
Michelle Hang Bui: _DSC0050 _ Merry Chrismast to all my Flickr's friends
spicysquid1: Allen's Hummer - at rest
John N Hoang: Short-eared Owl taking off
Eric Gofreed: spotted sandpiper-00055-Edit
Eric Gofreed: Turquoise-Fronted Parrots on a Banana Plant
spicysquid1: California Scrub-jay !
Eric Gofreed: Yellow-chevroned Parakeet
John LeClair: Cheetah Family at Sunrise
Eric Gofreed: The Osprey's Catch
Thelma Gátuzzô: Hyacinth Macaw
John LeClair: Serval in the Grass
Eric Gofreed: Large-billed Tern