David Brooker: Barn owl
nigel kiteley2011: Great Crested Grebes
palawopec925: Atlantic Puffin 24 / Isle of May, Firth of Forth, Scotland
Tobias Helling: Fratercula arctica
Jarek S. "Jerry": Bearded reedling
Mark Buchan Jones: Long-eared Owl at Rest
brianwatkins300: Grass Jewel - Chilades trochylus
brianwatkins300: 3D0A1236
Mark Buchan Jones: Kingfisher on a Bulrush (Explored)
nigel kiteley2011: Bar Tailed Godwit
nigel kiteley2011: Short-eared owl
Aamir Aziz Mughal: King of pond
nigel kiteley2011: Happy New Year
nigel kiteley2011: Short-eared owl
nigel kiteley2011: Great Crested Grebes
gilgit2: Wallcreeper (Tichodroma muraria)
lime1957: Velvet-purple Coronet
t.s.munsey: _DSC7464_031224
t.s.munsey: _DSC9742_041224
nigel kiteley2011: Great Crested Grebe.
David Brooker: Common Buzzard
avifawner: Blue-throated bee-eater (juvenile)
Gladys Klip: Roerdomp / bittern / butor
Iain Leach: Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos
avifawner: Tibetan sand plover (non-breeding)
nigel kiteley2011: Oystercatcher