dklaughman: Two Short-billed Dowitchers...IM8A2142AT
h.-d.richard: Common merganser
billoddie3: Little Grebe and chick . Tachybaptus Ruficollis
robin denton: Young Avocet
Sue Milks (off and on for a while): Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularius) - 20230824-01
Warrener: Spotted Redshank - Tringa erythropus
Phil on Skye: White Tailed Eagle Perched 0n a Rock
Ferrarezi - The art of painting with a camera: Ferrugem (Myiarchus tyrannulus)
Warrener: Pied Avocets - Recurvirostra avosetta
ricklebaudour: Western & Clark's Grebes Together
wernerlohmanns: Grillteiste
piranhabros: The Whymbrels
rumerbob: Blue Grosbeak.
Dell Wu: Kingfisher
Gary. K: Pied wagtail
piranhabros: Black Turnstone
piranhabros: Family Walk
piranhabros: Caught a juicy one!
piranhabros: On a mission
piranhabros: Surfbird, mixing with the turnstones
piranhabros: Leading the examined life
beeton_bear: Red_Headed_Woodpecker_WEB2_F4A0390
Terry Carew: Richards Pipit
Dell Wu: Kingfisher
Laval Roy: 1.27638 Paruline couronnée / Seiurus aurocapilla aurocapilla / Ovenbird
Cog2012: DSC_6042
ksblack99: Yellow-rumped Warbler
Dustin Graffa: Barred Owl - Strix varia
sayalah arry: Blyth's Paradise-Flycatcher 13