ergo7021: El día que monté en globo
ergo7021: Cambio de guardia en Copenhague
michael-otto-foto: lots of water drops
spoualb: Compérnico (ZWO ASI120MC-S LunaDobb39)
Gerald (Wayne) Prout: Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor)
Gur Natty: DSCF3062-Pano
Eneritz Uriarte: Colorín Colorado
Objectifphotonature: BRAMBLING - PINSON DU NORD
Gur Natty: _NAT4329-Pano
boggled: ducks
boggled: the moon
blavandmaster: Weather roller coaster
blavandmaster: Welcome January
j. mercier: _VM_6788 - Wild horses. (Explored)
marcolemos71: u n i t e d c o l o r s
CoronaViking (mountain photography): Into the New Year: Wild Spirit and Nature’s Unyielding Beauty
blavandmaster: To you and your loved ones.
CoronaViking (mountain photography): The Shrouded Mirror: Secrets of the Swamp and the Sentinel Peaks
Eric Gofreed: Skyward Sip: The Aracari's Gravity-Driven Drink
blavandmaster: Foggy final
Gur Natty: NAZ_9653
Dirk Böhling: Vor Frue kirke i Svendborg / Church of Our Lady in Svendborg
Dirk Böhling: Windenergie / Wind energy - on Explore
STL Missouri: Merry Christmas !!! O come let us adore Him !!!