naturesnapper18: Snow Bunting.
Barrie Brown CPAGB: Blue Tit at Welney
uwe.haschker: Hausrotschwanz / Black Redstart
Photos By JM: Hairy Woodpecker
gianzapparoli: Cinciarella
Sad Old Biker: Male Short Eared Owl turning away
schnauzerwhisperer: Goldcrest - Regulus regulas
PolMi: Grey heron from Prague
Ron Buening: Focused Resistance
dklaughman: Gambel's Quail...IM8A0038AT
Don Dunning: Female Horned Lark
hedera.baltica: Black woodpecker
Sinnassamy Michel: Blue tit / Mésange bleue
ferjflores: Papamoscas Cardenalito ♂ | Vermilion flycatcher (Pyrocephalus rubinus)
Gf220warbler: NashVille Warbler
giselasfotos: Gisela_Nagel-Fl-4756-Kleiner Feuerfalter
Jay KoolPix: Pigeon
Robert Streithorst: Keeping it Clean
kizbura: Cardellino (Carduelis carduelis )
E.W. Smit Wildlife: 1DX35456 View large. Male House Finch. Backyard Corona, California
Quang An: Red-shouldered Hawk
ecwillet: wigeon tells the mallard to get out of the shot
nature boy photos: Hawthorn berries are on the menu.
Through The Big Lens: Red shafted northern flicker, male
crawforddav: Chiffchaff
ecwillet: kingfisher
nikolayloginov: Song Thrush, Turdus philomelos, Певчий дрозд