KaAuenwasser: Bokeh Gans
Hammerchewer: Greet the sunrise
Ivan Ujevic: Sunset 24.8.
tina-look: Tale of a winters dream
AndiP66: 7R401647_s
James Webb Space Telescope: Galaxies IC 2163 and NGC 2207 (MIRI Image)
alexharbige.co.uk: Will Protect You
nobodywang1993: Moving fog over Yosemite Valley
Miguel Garaña: Stokknes
micke.vmix: Leafraft...
Anna Sedlmeir: Mushroom
Anna Sedlmeir: Erdkröte II
Anna Sedlmeir: Mystical mushrooms
Anna Sedlmeir: Yesterday evening...
Bella127Photography: THE STAND OFF
st.arc: STA_6096_oo
Raúl Podadera Sanz: Morning Fog in Tuscany
karl11irle22: Must take a break, so sorry - but I'll be back
Totem Art Photo: Fierté et couleurs de la mare...
albert.herbigneaux1: Putois d'Europe, European polecat
Roberto_48: Noche de purpuras.
figoosia: dolina Biebrzy
Dhina A: Autumn leaf raindrops
doc-turchinn: AVRORA
MecCanon: Sunbreak
-Weissglut-: Dandelion
g.hirschelmann: Silent explosion
Dhina A: Dewdrops bokeh