Moffat Road: Stainless steel smile
majka44: winter walk/Explored
Gladys Klip: Roerdomp / bittern / butor
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *Manarola @ dream location at dusk*
~ Floydian ~: An autumn sunrise at Lago Federa - Italy
José Carlos Santos (fidalgos): Ponte e Igreja de São Gonçalo de Amarante, Amarante, Portugal
José Carlos Santos (fidalgos): Bom ambiente e um terraço com uma vista linda sobre o mar😊
Joel Santos - Photography: Eagle Hunter, Western Mongolia
robert_golub: Telluride Morning
~ Floydian ~: An evening in Rocamadour - France
Joel Santos - Photography: Some places are so incredible that they can hardly fit into our imagination. Capela do Senhor da Pedra, Portugal. (C) Joel Santos . . #liveforthestory #adventureseeker #doyoutravel #travelmoreworryless #goexplorewander #wonderfulplace #lovetotravel #adven
·dron·: soaring
Fabian Fortmann: Land's End
M. K. M.: Somewhere in Anatolia
becauseLIGHT 〄: need for mead
CharlesFred: On the Great Barrier Reef
becauseLIGHT 〄: nothing much
rgvnunes: Coconuts and horses
rgvnunes: Sierra Nevada
rgvnunes: Setenil de las Bodegas
Don White (Burnaby): Mushroom & Flare
newnumenor: LESC 158
rgvnunes: The man and the sea
rgvnunes: Askew
rgvnunes: Setas de Sevilla