Anita.Wi: Chimp chimpanzee, chimp chimp cher-ee
Anita.Wi: Smack kiss 💋
Anita.Wi: Whatcha munchin' on?
Anita.Wi: Sky's Still Blue
Anita.Wi: Peace and prosperity to all!
Anita.Wi: Dark Red Rex
en tee gee: Fuzzy Pods become Orange Flowers
Anonymtor: Sensitive labrador
ellenc995: 6/12A ~ Lily & Some of Her Toys
don.nguyenacc: The Matriarch
Anita.Wi: Her Loyal Knight
carolannsherman: Astoria Oregon County Jail and Museum
Paul Freidel: Prairie Cloud
Loco Steve: Alfred visits Brighton
shawgraphy: River Otter 9
shawgraphy: Blue Heron 2
shawgraphy: Vulture4
Ian Torr: StreetArt#2
Ian Torr: Windows to the soul
Ian Torr: The All Seeing Eye.
Ian Torr: Brookfield Place
Ian Torr: Absolute World
Ian Torr: Sailing with Gehry
Ian Torr: ArtDeco
Ian Torr: Urban street scene
_Steven__: Equestrian Training, Issaquah WA
_Steven__: Paraglider "half-time" show. Quite spectacular given his fireworks and stormy weather backdrop.
_Steven__: 18's in the sky.