andyrousephotography: Look at all the lonely people…
Radio Uranus-Broadcasting: When Colours are not that Bright (anymore)
Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): Light Lens Lab 35mm f2 8E
Bureau623: Julia (xxi)
la_imagen: 003747
Clém VDB: La Tombée Sur Le Casino
VitorJK: Estradas de Portugal - A1 - N9669
krzycsur: Left
krzycsur: In peace
Bureau623: Holland (x)
Hendrik Lohmann: Ponte 25 de Abril
Cornelis -traveller: she, overlooking history
zdenek.razim: DSCF0363
Hendrik Lohmann: last days of summer
Hendrik Lohmann: another one...
Hendrik Lohmann: Costa de Caparica
paullangton: Highland bw