Ella Sosnowski:
By the Pond...
Steve Arena:
Vermilion Flycatcher (P. rubinus) Female
Steve Arena:
Loggerhead Shrike (L. ludovicianus)
Ridgevale Beach in Chatham
Falmouth Heights on Cape Cod
Woods Hole, Cape Cod
Lauren Tucker Photography:
Magnificent Frigatebird - Fregata magnificens
Lauren Tucker Photography:
Magnificent Frigatebird - Fregata magnificens
Lauren Tucker Photography:
Magnificent Frigatebird - Fregata magnificens
Lauren Tucker Photography:
Carib Grackle - Quiscalus lugubris
Lauren Tucker Photography:
Spotted Sandpiper - Actitis macularius
Lauren Tucker Photography:
Red Junglefowl - Gallus gallus
Lauren Tucker Photography:
Antillean Crested Hummingbird - Orthorhyncus cristatus
Lauren Tucker Photography:
Antillean Crested Hummingbird - Orthorhyncus cristatus
Mon 3ème oeil / My third eye ;-):
Apertum Mare
Mon 3ème oeil / My third eye ;-):
Apertum Mare
Mon 3ème oeil / My third eye ;-):
Apertum Mare
Goldcrest (Regulus regulus)
Nobska Light on Cape Cod
Onset Harbor, MA
with this ring
Steve Arena:
Barrow’s Goldeneye / Húsönd (B. islandica) - Hen
Steve Arena:
Barrow’s Goldeneye / Húsönd (B. islandica) - Drake
Doris Burfind:
Ice Forms
Sue Coastal Observer:
Beachcombing Killdeer - 206A5687a1c
Light on Pixel:
Time for coffee