Chuck Hantis: Painted Bunting
Chuck Hantis: Bald Eagle
Chuck Hantis: Bald Eagle
Chuck Hantis: Short-eared Owl
Chuck Hantis: Fox Sparrow
Chuck Hantis: Short-eared Owls
lane194: Fledgling Great Horned Owl
lane194: Great Horned Owl adult and fledgling _74A7978 tp
lane194: Great Horned Owl Male and Fledgling 74A7972-7972
lane194: Cedar Waxwing _74A8978-TPAI-sh
lane194: Burrowing Owl Kids Final 1080p no fade in
lane194: Pygmy Owl perched f3
lane194: _74A0698
Bruno Conjeaud: The most beautiful weaver (Golden Palm Weaver ♂)
Ken Krach Photography: Terminal in the Blue Hour
Ken Krach Photography: Arches National Park Beauty
dennis.weeks8: Bourne on Cape Cod
Peter Stahl Photography: Short eared owl
ryknaves: Short-eared Owl
Jasper's Human: The Family
Jasper's Human: Up close and personal with a Northern Shoveler
Jasper's Human: Hit by a Splash of Color! (2/52)
Jasper's Human: Limits of an Old Man (3/52)
michafink: Turmfalke
jewett1066: Barred Owl
jewett1066: Snowy Owl
Mike Barth Photography: Black-collared Barbet (Lybius torquatus)