Karsten Gieselmann:
The beauty of distortion
Koen Bernaers:
Kestrel praying
Ron Buening:
A Bloody Catch
Evert Vandeberg:
kwak (Nycticorax nycticorax)
Fernando Domínguez Magarín:
Martín pescador. (Alcedo atthis). KINGFISHER
Matthieu Berroneau:
Atheris mabuensis
Bill Richmond:
Red Grouse
Carsten Bahnsen:
Eichhörnchen - red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
"Cresting Elegance"
Robert Fredagsvik - Norway:
Moskus - Muskox - Explored
The Owl Man:
Winter Plumage (Horned Grebe)
Karl Le Gros:
2021 - Creux du Van, Switzerland
Wild Pixel Safaris:
Rekero Prince at Sunset!
albert dros:
Dutch Dark Hedges
Ron Buening:
Shadows and Reflections
Fabien Baziz:
Grand Cormoran (Phalacrocorax carbo)
Jay KoolPix:
Belted Kingfisher With a Fish
Jay KoolPix:
Belted Kingfisher