jeridaking: Portrait of Man by the window - Banks of Nam Ou
wowselim: European Robin
[meszes]: Grey heron - Szürkegém
Tanja Blind: Flauschohren XXL - fluffy ears XXL
austindca: droplets
PatriciaNicoloso: Socó-dorminhoco/Black-crowned Night-Heron
Dirk Hessels: Along the Haringvliet | Entlang des Haringvliet • Explore •
SnappyMac: Robin (Erithacus rubecula)
Radha Krishn: Ice Crystals
Nina_Ali: Hoar frost covered fence!
bulbocode909: petites gouttes gelées
Arnt Kvinnesland: Common Snipe
Tanja Blind: Elefant beim Saufen - Elephant drinking
Stefan_Bilder: Blaumeise
michael.schiebelsberger: Kernbeißer im Winter/ Hawfinch in winter
michael.schiebelsberger: Schwanzmeise/ Long-tailed tit
Stefan_Bilder: Fieberklee Gold crest
russ david: The Vennel - Edinburgh, Scotland
Nedko Nedkov: Divine Light
escribirconlacabeza: Focha común, Fulica atra
- Etude -: Mont Saint-Michel
photographer_jb: Butterfly Macro Photography
photographer_jb: The Stick