PatriciaNicoloso: Garça-branca-pequena/Snowy Egret
susanpride49: Monarch Butterfly Male
susanpride49: Miss Tabby
susanpride49: Miss Tabby Happy Caturday Gold crest Greater Spotted woodpecker Greater Spotted Woodpecker Blue tit
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Edelweiss Leucogenes grandiceps
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Edelweiss Leucogenes grandiceps
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Alpine Grasshoppers mating 'Sigaus nivalis'
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Caladenia variegata NZ Orchid
rebecca bowater nature photographer: NZ Alpine Grasshopper 'Sigaus nivalis'
rebecca bowater nature photographer: The beauty of the Travis wetlands Christchurch
Laval Roy: 1.07626 Colibri améthyste (femelle) / Calliphlox amethystina / Amethyst Woodstar / Estrellita Amatista
aivar.mikko: Morning in Desert
Selectivebits: Cold Morning Sunshine
ALFONSO1979 : Quilla
shinichiro*: Lake Akimoto covered with snow plume
bertheeb: Ranzzeit 2025
stellagrimsdale: reflection