Adam Kenny: H I T M A N
Micah G.: Patrol Prawn
brickfrenzy: Among Us
Si-MOCs: TriPerron - Nomad Exploer
Grant Davis.: Taking The Plunge
Alec_D: E-11D
Si-MOCs: MC Escher - Rainbow Falls
Si-MOCs: MC Escher - Tetrahedral Planetoid
Wren dn: Lego seller
Nick Brick: Destiny Ghost
Mije_W: Reclaimed by the Crows
Si-MOCs: My First Duplo Bar
Slick_Bricks: ALIEN Xenomorph
Ochre Jelly: LEGO DOOM
Exxtrooper: Predator
Legohaulic: May the Fourth be with you
Si-MOCs: Must stop the voices in my head....
BrickReplicas: LEGO M249 SAW (Lifesize)
_Chuwawa: LEGO Hellbenders
TooMuchDew: SNL Celebrity Jeopardy — Sean Connery
qi_tah: The Black Lodge - curtain lighting
-infomaniac-: Edoras
Ochre Jelly: Bravest Warriors is 9000% sexier in LEGO!
!snap!: CONTACT 1: Millennial Celebration of the Eternal Choir at K'al Yne, Odan
Rylie Howerter: Ice Climbers Mosaics
Aleksander Stein: Jaguar Prowl
brick.spartan: Battle of Thermopylae
ccy_8086: AT019
Dan_Sto: Tribute_R2-D2_whole_act_IV_V
Legohaulic: Star Wars Charity Characters