f/5.6ish: Steps to the old cottage
ge-ka: Wasserleitung übers Wasser - Water pipe over the water
ge-ka: Die Aray Bridge - The Aray Bridge/Scotland
ge-ka: Landstraße am Loch Awe - Country road at Loch Awe
ge-ka: Schottland - In den Highlands - Scotland - In the Highlands
Ingrid Stuller: The Schizophyllum commune opens like a blossom and is the most beautiful Christmas decoration in our forests! I wish all users, friends and administrators a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
odeleapple: Bidens pilosa
odeleapple: Frosted weeds
odeleapple: Stones in the grove
NoJuan: Lichens
SergioQ79 - Osanpo Photographer -: Japan - Tokyo Yanaka
Ian Hsu_film: 東京 // 2016
hiphopmilk: Mali prštavac
miguelbejar: Bucolic landscape
RoystonVasey: My Cup Runneth Over
EWOUD DE BEELDVANGER: ijsvingertje · Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa
millivedder: Elf cup
legpleg: Comme d'anciennes brumes
NeilShaw Images (5): OLD SHIEL BRIDGE
efo: Lowesville Corner
arjayempee: Covington Tower (7)
Ville Misaki: B/W #2857
Sylvain.Rousseu.Photo: Fusion d'arbres
u_uebelhart: 230315.1-21_2: Frühling am Forellensee
Johntasaurus: Colours of Christmas
R. Engelsman: Ascocoryne sarcoides
R. Engelsman: Myxomycota indet.
Eiki Wang: Aoyagi Samurai Manor Museum 秋田 角館歴史村・青柳家 (武家屋敷)
Alice Borciani: Smarrirsi