FireDevilPhoto: Star vs the coast
Marcin Dobrzyniecki: Dog in gloomy forest
as-fokus: Focus
Rob & Amy Lavoie: Kenzie and Rylee on their hike
vrot01: Mousse’s pre-nap tongue out…
lillypotpie: Going Home
Jasper's Human: Ready for Christmas (51/52)
excellentzebu1050: enjoy the sun 2017 lambs
mittagskind: Haussperling (Passer domesticus)
Turk Images: Mountain Bluebird - Male
manfred_es: Tired
jurisjo: Little Gift guard
HawkinsWeeks: Silhouette Light Shafts
dasmith626: Richmond Falls
efe Marimon: Nieve en el Cami de Toló
Mark Polson: House Finch on Spruce
chrisogru: Time for myself.
Lumase: Furry questionmarks
© Freddie: Beach Fun
FireDevilPhoto: Christmas Castle
[rkphoto]: 12/12 Hobbs
jb.bonnay: Tommy
Jeff Harshaw: A Morning Out At The Pond