loryantoinecantin: Red fox hide and seek
southshore_raptors: Chouette rayée / Barred Owl
Matthijs Hollanders: Fire Salamander
Okinawa Nature Photography: Namie’s frog ( Limnonectes namiyei ) - wide angle macro photography.
cre8foru2009: Red Salamander(Pseudotriton ruber)
Weinand Wildlife: Erdkröten (Bufo bufo) in Amplexus
Roman Willi Photography: Savage's thin-toed frog (Leptodactylus savagei)
jmfatemi1: Amber wing dragonfly silhouette
jmfatemi1: Green Heron
jmfatemi1: Mantis Sunrise
jmfatemi1: Barn Swallow
jmfatemi1: Bluebird textures
Jesse's Wildlife: Pale-headed Snake (Hoplocephalus bitorquatus).
jackjmedeiros: Green Winged Teal flock
J.Hunter Photography: Red-shouldered Hawk
J.Hunter Photography: Northern Saw-whet Owl
paigesavoy: Foreground
alexprieditis: Shorebird Volcanic #11
alexprieditis: SAND Splash collection #10
alexprieditis: Juvenile Trumpeter Swan environmental portrait
paigesavoy: Chickadee in the Snow
R. Francis: Kings dtella
Jesse's Wildlife: Tiger Snake (Notechis scutatus).
qsmilgis: Banff Bighorn