elliottnaef: Least Sandpiper in Bokeh
elliottnaef: Common Tern
elliottnaef: Common Tern with a Shrimp
elliottnaef: White-throated Sparrow
elliottnaef: White-throated Sparrow Composition
elliottnaef: Dovekie Small in Frame
elliottnaef: Greater Yellowlegs
elliottnaef: Wood Duck Drake High-key
elliottnaef: Female Hooded Merganser
elliottnaef: Brown Anole
elliottnaef: Eastern Red-backed Salamander
elliottnaef: Blue-spotted Salamander
elliottnaef: Male and Female Ring-necked Ducks
elliottnaef: Female Ring-necked Duck
elliottnaef: Male Ring-necked Duck
elliottnaef: Brown Pelican
elliottnaef: Brown Pelican
elliottnaef: Spotted Sandpiper
elliottnaef: Great Blue Heron
elliottnaef: Bufflehead
elliottnaef: Snow Bunting
elliottnaef: Horned Lark
elliottnaef: Royal Tern
elliottnaef: Female Common Eider
elliottnaef: Wilson's Snipe
elliottnaef: Eastern Kingbird
elliottnaef: Female Bobolink with a Grasshopper
elliottnaef: Semipalmated Plover
elliottnaef: Male Bobolink Breath
elliottnaef: Spotted Sandpiper with Shrimp