RA LO Fotografie: Snow Tree
RA LO Fotografie: Burg Zvikov
Alan Burkwood: The lone tree - Llyn Padarn.
J.Hernetkoski: No Horizon?
franck mory: Cargo dans la brume
franck mory: Ouistreham 9h07
franck mory: En face c'est l'Amérique
Pawan Joshi: Schafler
threestopsover: Melbourne, Australia 2023
Terry Cioni: FILM0023
I Helios: Leaves...
Deb Malveaux: The Modern Museum of Art
Lepetitpiero: Meules de foin
RudyMareelPhotography: St. Paul's Framed by Modern Lines
Christoph Fischer: Using The Telephoto to Convey a Sense of Scale.
Eros Penatti: Portree
*Darlene*: There's no one left to come and pay tribute, but you can surmise how much they were loved, and hopefully every subsequent generation will have that same awareness when they pass by this corner on their hurried way to somewhere else.
bmiller912: Estero Wreck
David Murphy (Biggleswade): Perch Rock Lighthouse, New Brighton
jyb72: Aground
stagedoor: Burnley Empire 4054
RA Photography / Deadworld: ...we take comfort in the symmetries we find in life because they suggest a design where there is none
jyb72: Tugboat
みちお michio: 餌はあげないよ I won't feed you !
みちお michio: Ueno station
Dirk Böhling: Wandelgang / Colonnade
Dirk Böhling: Harte Arbeit / Hard work
Thorsten Schob: Mehlinger Heide / M. heath SL210035