Jörg Belling: Buntspecht / Great Spotted Woodpecker / Pic épeiche
Jörg Belling: Blaugrüne Mosaikjungfer / Southern Hawker / Aeschne bleue
Jörg Belling: Teichhuhn / Moorhen / Poule d'eau
Jörg Belling: Spatz (w) / Sparrow (f) Moineau (f)
Jörg Belling: Gänsesäger / Goosander / Harle bièvre
Jörg Belling: Ready to take off...
Jörg Belling: Kormoran / Cormorant / Cormoran
Jörg Belling: Gänsesäger / Goosander / Harle bièvre
Jörg Belling: I've got my eye on you, photographer...
Jörg Belling: Gänsesäger / Goosander / Harle bièvre (Explore)
Jörg Belling: Buchfink / Chaffinch / Pinson
Jörg Belling: I see you...
Jörg Belling: Sumpfmeise / Marsh tit / Mésange des marais
Jörg Belling: Brandgans / Shelduck / Tadorne de Belon
Jörg Belling: Haubenlerche / Crested Lark / Cochevis huppe
Jörg Belling: Uferschnepfe / Black-tailed Godwit / Barge a queue noire
Jörg Belling: Brandgans / Shelduck / Tadorne de Belon
Jörg Belling: Schwarzkehlchen / Stonechat / Traquet patre
Jörg Belling: Löffler / Spoonbill / Spatule blanche (Explore)
Jörg Belling: Flamingo / Flamant rose
Jörg Belling: Brauner Sichler / Glossy Ibis / Ibis falcinelle
Jörg Belling: Runaway...
Jörg Belling: Battle of the giants
Jörg Belling: Tafelente / Pochard / Fuligule milouin
Jörg Belling: I, I follow...
Jörg Belling: Mandarinente / Mandarin Duck / Canard mandarin
Jörg Belling: Last light, last flight...
Jörg Belling: Wintergoldhähnchen / Goldcrest / Roitelet huppé
Jörg Belling: Let's fly together...
Lele-hh: Buntspecht - Great Woodpecker