Schilt Thomas: Lange, klebrige Zunge
Schilt Thomas: Grossmaul
Schilt Thomas: Krauskopfpelikan
Schilt Thomas: Balztanz der Haubentacher
Schilt Thomas: Ich bin der grösste
Schilt Thomas: Seeregenpfeifer an Spaniens Küste
Schilt Thomas: Rauchschwalbe knapp über dem Wasser
Schilt Thomas: Wasseramsel
Schilt Thomas: Teihfrosch Frog
Schilt Thomas: Eisvogel beim posen
Space Cossack: Mmmh, delicious jonagold! And almost fresh too 😬
gutlaunefotos ☮: Rotkehlchen
Carroux13: Sonnenuntergang
NiBe60: Good to be at home (2)
NiBe60: Kaysa
NiBe60: Altricial bird
NiBe60: Encounter
dom67150: Sittelle torchepot - Eurasian Nuthatch
blavandmaster: Relaxing moments
gcampbellphoto: Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)
DonCoombez: Marsh tit
Bradley Hamel: A red shouldered hawk giving me the side eye.
Wildlife and Photo-Image Art: Run Run Roadrunner
gaetdi: CHOUETTE LAPONE Great Gray Owl Strix nebulosa
Gerald (Wayne) Prout: Melanistic Eastern Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
Gerald (Wayne) Prout: Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Mike Thornton 15: The Inquisitive Red Squirrel 9267
Mike Thornton 15: Harris Hawk Gliding 7027
Mike Thornton 15: Common Blue Damselfly looking out 5270
Mike Thornton 15: The Inquisitive Eurasian Otter 1621