andrewpmorse: New Day
AtmosFear Video: Milky Way and Camp Tree.
AtmosFear Video: Milky Way Over the Barn.
B_Judy: Canopy Gap Milky Way
midlands_night_sky: Bury ditches winter night sky
JDS Fine Art Photography: Gloire du Lever du Soleil
clemensgilles: Autumn dreamscape
clemensgilles: Herbststimmung im Langfigtal
Christian Möller: Lights of the night
Gruenewiese86: Beachnight on Amrum
_patclancy56: Dinosaur tracks under the Milky Way
enneafive: Clouds Creek
enneafive: The purple heather
andrewpmorse: Cotton Tooth
- AdelheidS Photography -: Deventer Street Blues, Netherlands (explored)
Netsrak: Path of Destruction
DIWI-SINZIG: 2021-12-12-Sinzig im Advent-23