Arvo Poolar: Snow Bunting
b.solman: Common Goldeneye - Male
LW199506: Peregrine (female)
Brandohl Photography [Wendy]: 20241125-IMG_7142
Edwyn Anderton: Coal Tit
TroChud19: Robin.
michaelpope498: Song Thrush
patricia.hoedts: Pit-roig - Petirrojo europeo - European robin - Rougegorge familier - Erithacus rubecula
Barbara Evans 7: Dunlin Calidris alpina - Blink & You'll Miss It
Barbara Evans 7: Barn Owl Tyto alba - Dropping Down At Dusk
Barbara Evans 7: Barn Owl Tyto alba - Spectral
Barbara Evans 7: Whitethroat Curruca communis - Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
Barbara Evans 7: Kingfisher Alcedo atthis (Juvenile)
Barbara Evans 7: Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus - Walking The Ridgeway
joerg2019: Kingfisher of the day
wobbogong: tree mushroom
east med wanderer: Tantany Wood, New Forest, Hampshire, England
Art-G: Kestrel at Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Park, Stubbington
boblecram: Gros-bec casse-noyaux (Coccothraustes coccothraustes)
winsfordsoul: Male Smew. Lunt meadow nature reserve
Nicopope: Grosbec casse-noyaux mâle 6 - Hawfinch - Kernbeisser - Coccothraustes coccothraustes
DonCoombez: Bird perving
Roger Wasley: Stoat - Mustela erminea
Richard Collier - Wildlife and Travel Photography: Cathedral of Málaga - Stained Glass (17) F
Bruno Morcel: Rougegorge familier Erithacus rubecula - European Robin
mdgillies67: Heron landing (13.7.23)
legoman1691: Kestrel
MiBro: Haarfein
johncheckley: 2024-1783 - Fungi, Fermyn Woods, Northants.
davdenic: Woodpecker