Gabriel Gabi: IMG_9770
Gladys Klip: Gaai / Jay / Geai des chênes
Enchanted Loom: Luci ed ombre
Enchanted Loom: Luci ed ombre
Gabriel Gabi: IMG_5927
Gabriel Gabi: IMG_2880
naturethroughanikon: Reed Bunting on Gorse Bush
Geoff Newhouse Photography: July 07, 2023.jpg
alainfrere34: Bergeronnette printagnière .Motacilla flava - Western Yellow Wagtail
Ian McGill On/Off for a while: Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
kjetilrim: 🇳🇴 Bjørkefink - 🇬🇧 Brambling
Chri-stian: Bienenfresser
Chri-stian: Bienenfresser
Chri-stian: Common Kingfisher
Chri-stian: The first morning light
Chri-stian: Kestrel
Luis M. Cuaresma: Críalo (Clamator glandarius)
Andrew G Robertson: Taking Flight
Gladys Klip: Wilde hamster / wild hamster / hamster sauvage
antino.c: Ghiandaia marina
antino.c: Crociere
antino.c: Una peppola
antino.c: Codirosso maschio
antino.c: Cinciarella, Blue tit
antino.c: Over the top
antino.c: Fight
antino.c: Nibbio reale
Santiago GV: Picamaderos negro / Black Woodpecker (Dryocopus martius)
Mobile Lynn: Goldfinch 902_2885.jpg
Markus Wallmann: Gimpel / Dompfaff / Bullfinch