Bangui59: 2- Finalement, le bisou..
Elenovela: Night at the harbor
dom67150: Mésange charbonnière - Great tit
Ulmi81: Loch Maree
Johan Buts: I Feel Good.
alanchanflor: Castillo de Javier/Javier Castle
dominique dubied: Dreamy sound of tranquility
elke.bernt: Rostgans (Tadorna ferruginea) / Rusty goose (Tadorna ferruginea)
marcolemos71: t h e l i g h t
Dylan Toh: Onigatake
RdeUppsala: Uppsala, other times...
jean-claude DEVAUX: Écureuil roux - Sciurus vulgaris
markefff: Swans in the morning mist 1/3
markefff: Bled
markefff: A flock of sheep on the trail from Slemenova Spica, Slovenia
markefff: Trail from Slemenova Spica to Vrsic Pass, Slovenia
markefff: Five Polish Ponds Valley, Tatra Mountains
markefff: Five Polish Ponds Valley, Tatra Mountains
Ted Holm Photography: Hiking the Oregon coast, weaving through pines, discovering a hidden waterfall as surf crashes and fog drapes the shore
MRI2009: Le voilier
marieroy0808: Sizerin Flammé - Commom Redpoll
MorBCN: Iceland
Carsten Bahnsen: Graugans / greylag goose (Anser anser)
lepcheurmorcen: Migration des grues
lepcheurmorcen: L’envol
lepcheurmorcen: Adulte et juvénile.
dubus regis: to eat above the water - manger au-dessus de l'eau
wandering snapper: An Island of sunrises
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *Blue Canyon @ Wonder of Erosion*
sylvia.marchart: "it's just too cold today"... Long-tailed Tit