danyerson: my favs
Paulie-W: Abstraction
Matt Oliver.: Gritstone & Tors.
Matt Oliver.: Green Dales.
howesyourphoto: Well 'ard
Pierre-Luc G.: Dim the lights please
xeScenCe: #TheTower
the.nerwin: Got Gas?
damianmkv: Reflecting
Adolfo Rozenfeld: Son Bruno. 35mm film portrait.
jonlimage: Seattle
heavenandweak: Imposing
snapsbybergsu: Extraterrestirial landing zone at the beach
heavenandweak: Sunshine
JXUHO: Seoul
Wolfgang Schrade: Unten am Fluss (54)
Wolfgang Schrade: Auf dem Flohmarkt
bior: Midnight
bior: Silicon Valley Fairy Tale
Aimless Alliterations: The Cup Stone
Luke Agbaimoni (last rounds): Walk Over - Hampstead