(bbarsalo): La cohue - Déplacement vers
Laval Roy: 1.07509 Colibri de Matthews / Boissonneaua matthewsii / Chestnut-breasted Coronet
j.imac: Sunny Dunny
AL355IO: PXL_20241221_053420472
AL355IO: PXL_20241221_053139463
Gene Ellison: Trees in B&W 09 12.19.24(1)
TomoZG: Winter, Arriach, Austria
RG TLV: Driving in the Rain
joachim hingler: The chair in the sun
tucker.tterence: Albert Dock
tucker.tterence: Liverpool
.ilona.: Staircase, Waterstones book shop, Edinburgh
.ilona.: Waterstones book shop Edinburgh
wizard_of_dof: Lugano, Switzerland
wdeck: _DSC8455d25u BW Eisskulptur
Pennan_Brae: Vintage Van
Marie Hacene: Tableau de rouille - 5
adolfoto63: Ría de Pontevedra 4
Nils1962: Xiaomi - 20-12-24
fabrizio_buoso: A Vienna sotto la pioggia
(bbarsalo): Coucher de la lune / Moon setting
jordi doria 140: cases i jardins molt cuidats-SNOWSHILL-Cotswolds (Anglaterra)
trastav20: Signs of Christmas
mmfatkid: Hogs Back
jim mcmellen: Off Mom's Porch
jim mcmellen: My Christmas Holiday In Oregon
Greatoutdoorman: About to land on nest
GMills31: Backlighting
Nath.Lt: Morning Sky
JohnJo Silverback: Silent night, Holy night. (Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht)