Jean-Pierre LONG: Rougequeue noir - black redstart ♀
andrzejskałuba: Tulipany.
SVA1969: Majestic Temple in Black and White
Christoph Fischer: Tips and Techniques for Sharp Photographs
Louis Lessard - Passion nature: Lapone de mes rêves
zimorodek: Chupadera Mts. - view from Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, USA.
yvan.van.impe: pestvogel38-1
Pas Hoen Photography: Dragonfly in Botanical Garden Utrecht on 2-8-2024
Darksides photographie 21: Plénitude hivernal
Through The Big Lens: Anna’s hummingbird, male
lisa_leininger_92: Canard carolin / Wood duck
lambertony2024: Coup de pêche
mospitaletche: Playero Patas Amarillas Grande (Tringa melanoleuca)
MA Paradis: (241229-MAP-152054>Ext).jpg
MichelGuérin: Hibou moyen-duc Long-eared Owl - Asio otus.
Mathias Leon Fischer: Colourful Burano #2
PatriciaNicoloso: Socó-dorminhoco/Black-crowned Night-Heron
(bbarsalo): Flore de Java / Flora of Java
gaetdi: Petite Nyctale Aegolius acadicus - Northern Saw-whet Owl
Louise St-Maurice: Hibou moyen-duc
askyu22: Chouette rayée
goudy0990: Chouette Lapone . / Great Gray Owl .
cogs2011: Barn Owl
Céline Boilard: Nyctale de Tengmalm \ Boreal Owl
gaetdi: Grand-duc d'Amérique Great Horned Owl - Bubo virginianus
andrzejskałuba: Czerwona róża.
michafink: Red Kite in flight (June '24)
anaistrepanier: Harfang des neiges clôture(Bubo scandiacus) - Snowy Owl A2
anaistrepanier: Harfang des neiges clôture(Bubo scandiacus) - Snowy Owl a3