Christoph Fischer: Tips & Techniques for Sharp Photographs
Christoph Fischer: The Beauty in Simplicity - Highly effective tips for clean, powerful images!
Roberto Pazzi: Herero People
BP Chua: Pacu Jawi Bull Race 2015
Eugenijus Kavaliauskas -=Dantis=-: Sternotomis chrysopras
Christoph Fischer: The Importance of Shapes & Balance in Composition.
RJSchutDigitaal: Gaai - Eurasian Jay - Eichelhäher - Garrulus glandarius
robert.vierthaler: Weevil "paw"
Christoph Fischer: Highly Effective Tips for Capturing Transient Light
quenoteam: Hormiga 9x
andredekesel: Eutolmus rufibarbis - Roodbaardroofvlieg (2)
andredekesel: Bullet ant
spongepuppy: Lomo 3.7x/0.11 Test
quenoteam: Glenea celestis (Indonesia)
quenoteam: mandíbulas de hormiga
CatchSoul: Robberfly with prey
CatchSoul: Hoverfly - Bee Mimic Fly
CatchSoul: 2017-04-19-15.10.02_Soldierfly_175_10um
Raúl García Navarro: "Ranzania Splendens Petersiana".. Zambia..
Salai i: Nusrat and Shagor
.Okular.: On the salt lake
Martin Sercombe: Ethiopian Girl
David_Lazar: Salt Harvesters
Ollie Pitt: Lao Highland Girl
manuthchek: Delicateness
P C 1945: Lombok, Indonesia - Tobacco Fields