RohlinPin: Me and my shadows
lawatt: there’s a lllllllllot of snow out there ❄️❄️❄️
chazzyfoto: Sitting on the beach
jackbarnosky1: philadelphia train station window
niggyl :): ...put my guns in the ground
On Looking: Ruth Thorne Thomsen
Usitu: Pinhole o estenopeica. Jardines del Palau Reial. Barcelona. Cámara Sony digital. Imagen 3 de 3. 15/01/2025
Po'Lazarus: After the snow
Monobod 1: 3rd. class.
LowerDarnley: The Last of the Trees #3
BradHurleyMontreal: The spruce path
LowerDarnley: Looking North, East and South at Cape Tryon, Enneaptych
Po'Lazarus: Winter bath?
Peter de Graaff: Beach and rock pool