Dewey Bingham: Interesting Visitor on the Highline Trail
Michael Allen Siebold: I'm Not Sharing!
dgangle: Bison - behind the T. A. Moulton Barn with the Tetons in the background at sunrise on a cold Thanksgiving morning
marcolemos71: v i e w p o i n t
Jesse_in_CT: Wood Duck
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Héron vert - Green heron - Butorides virescens
Anthony White: Red Clouds Over Talacre
Kirk Lougheed: Grand Rainbow
Meadowlands Photo: Black Throated Blue Warbler
Nikon66: Hodgson Water Mill - No. 5
Michael Allen Siebold: Flying Light
enneafive: The purple heather
enneafive: Daffodils
lime1957: Cerulean Warbler
icascidos: Renard roux femelle
Michael Allen Siebold: There's One in Every Crowd
mizzy60: great grey spotted prey
mizzy60: all done
mizzy60: snowy owl
Nikon66: Short-eared Owl at B. K. Leach Memorial Conservation Area - No. 7
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: T.A. Moulton Barn
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Bull moose - Orignal - Alces alces
ricketdi: Wood duck-Canard Branchu ( Richard )
ricketdi: Eastern Screech-Owl / Petit-duc maculé ( Diane )
ricketdi: Eastern Towhee / Tohi à flancs roux ( Richard )
Nikon66: Hooded Merganser at Riverlands Migratory Bird Sanctuary
dgangle: White-tail Buck - 8 point