Silver and Iron Tintype: Gold-toned albumen contact combination print from wet collodion negative
Kerik717: pear trilogy
Ivan Sohrakoff: Two Cabins: Wet Plate Collodion
Rosenthal Photography: Out of the dark
Silver and Iron Tintype: Big Tujunga Dam - Tintype
Sabertashphoto: Holy Rosary
Sabertashphoto: Tacom grit
paul.barden: Old Workhorse test plate.
Silver and Iron Tintype: Franklin Canyon Park - Wet Collodion Negative
paul.barden: Containment: Voigtlander Petzval version
paul.barden: Valentines Day Hyacinths.
paul.barden: feb14.2020
paul.barden: Lars in the Ivy