JG Photography86: Nuthatch.
PMBrem: Blue tit/Blaümeise
Through The Big Lens: Common yellowthroat warbler, male
Birdsforever.in: Indian Blue Robin
Birdsforever.in: Bar winged Flycatcher Shrike
JG Photography86: Tufted Ducks.
Vineeth Radhakrishnan: Red-breasted Merganser
Through The Big Lens: Bufflehead, male
Vineeth Radhakrishnan: Male Northern Cardinals!
grazia.bianchi: Lucherino (Spinus spinus) - Parco della Piana
Jongejan: Blue tit
Kevin B Agar: Bullfinch, Pyrrhula pyrrhula
Birdsforever.in: Blue Winged Parakeet
JG Photography86: Tufted Duck.
trawson58: Short eared owl
JG Photography86: Common Kestrel.
Laszlo Bacs: Concentrated
Robert Fredagsvik - Norway: Ekorn - Squirrel - Explored
KHR Images: Barn Owl
Kintu Patel: ! Common Name : Purple Sunbird !
JG Photography86: Great-Crested Grebe.
Livia Parkinson: Remembrance Day known as Poppy Day
vickersandrew7: Young Stone Chats
vickersandrew7: Feeding time
Birdsforever.in: Amur Falcon
robh4754: Spectacled Owl
robh4754: White-faced Scops Owl