Margaret S.S: ~ Atlantic Puffin ~
Margaret S.S: ~ Eider Duck ~
Ana Mendes do Carmo: Lince-ibérico / Lynx pardinus
Ana Mendes do Carmo: Lince-ibérico / Lynx pardinus
Tim Melling: Brunnich's Guillemot making waves
MyKeyC: Great Blue Chase
MyKeyC: Purple Martin Midair Swallow
Gary McHale: Cattle Egret
Gary McHale: Turning over a new leaf
Gary McHale: Little Blue Heron
Jambo53 (): The blue arrow!
Jambo53 (): In the spotlight!
Jambo53 (): On the outlook!
Hammerchewer: Black-headed Grosbeak immature female
Hammerchewer: Anna's Hummingbird female
JEO126: Piping plover chick
JEO126: Short-billed dowitcher
JEO126: Ruby-throated hummingbird
mandokid1: Chestnut-sided warbler.
mandokid1: Nashville warbler.
mandokid1: Black-throated Green warbler. Killarney. On.
Digital Plume Hunter: [splendid sparrows] Olive Sparrow
Digital Plume Hunter: [splendid sparrows] White-crowned Sparrow
judithmchale: Reddish Egret white morph in flight
judithmchale: Ruddy Turnstone
Chiew L: A Little Owl catching food for its youngsters
Chiew L: Pembrokeshire Coast
Chiew L: Little Owl
jenny*jones: Oystercatcher