PKG Photography: Life is a fine curry... each spice has a role to play with a measured quantity no less and no more... just precise
PKG Photography: Chocolate & Cookies... nothing more nothing less...
PKG Photography: Cookies... made with love at home...
PKG Photography: Sometimes we are much stranger to ourselves, than rest of the world...
PKG Photography: The Vodka said, " Trust me you can dance".
PKG Photography: Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow very strong...
PKG Photography: I : " I am very shy...".Vodka : " Just spend sometime with me, you will know your true self ".
PKG Photography: At the end it's all about," Choices we made".
Renee's Moment: Arethusa Icelandic Highlands
MSA - photography: beach princess
ashaconnie: Talk like a parrot day...sorry talk like a pirate day - On Explore
davdenic: Nebida
davdenic: Nebida
davdenic: Val Roseg
davdenic: Camargue sunset
davdenic: Colors
pastadimama: Hope there’s someone when I die - listen to the music
Merrillie: Dawn seascape with rain clouds
Andrey Sulitskiy: Picturesque Amalfi bay, Italy Un pequeño refugio
jmlpyt: Fontaine Fluviale, place de la Concorde, Paris -3D0A3235-Modifier
jmlpyt: Le pont Alexandre III, Paris, France -3D0A3187-Modifier
jmlpyt: Paris-Hotel-des-invalides-3D0A3136-Modifier
jmlpyt: Le charme des toits parisiens IMG_4676
jmlpyt: Les spots parisiens - 3D0A3415-Modifier
jmlpyt: Les spots parisiens -3D0A3412-Modifier
jmlpyt: Le dôme de l’opéra Garnier à paris
jmlpyt: L’heure bleue à Saint-Raphaël dans le Var -3D0A6529-Modifier
jmlpyt: Port Sant Lucia, Saint-Raphael, Var, France -3D0A6457-Modifier