Julian Munilla Rio: Pollo de ánsar IMG_5937
clausi_hockey: 1620493823496
Yasu Torigoe: Tahas River and flat farmland about 3 km north of Kampong Phluk floating village, Cambodia. 101-Edita
moritzgyssler: Cherry trees at sunset
riesebusch: Berlin, Gärten der Welt: Buschwindröschen - Berlin, Gardens of the World: Windflower
Clém VDB: Bar à Nectar
eissman: Dom HDR
AchimOWL: Graugans (Anser anser) im Flug
((((O)))): Don't They Make Such a Cute Couple?
Fred Roe: His best profile
White☨ANGEL: Butterfly in my garden II. Macro ph. by #WhiteANGEL
joerg2019: Bokeh Squirrel
Blende11#: Blaumeise Blue tit
Julian Munilla Rio: Pollo de ganso I IMG_5059
Lens and Shutter: Wild flowers in summertime.
aeshnaton: IMG_3075
aeshnaton: IMG_3086
*Capture the Moment*: A Viewpoint - Explore # 18
*Capture the Moment*: View from Beacon
*Capture the Moment*: What a perfect Day - Explore # 248
*Capture the Moment*: Dreamy Landscape at Killary
*Capture the Moment*: Bere Island Lighthouse
*Capture the Moment*: The perfect Day is now - Explore # 196
Chuck Gerber: Thru my office window # 101
Chuck Gerber: House finch, the gregarious one....
Chuck Gerber: Ingrate......
Chuck Gerber: Solar powered hummer food.......
Chuck Gerber: Elastic Micropump