Suhis36: IMG_6540
Ron Buening: The Search for Bugs
Ron Buening: The Snatch
elmeri13: Tussilago farfara
elmeri13: Cyanistes caeruleus - Euraasian sinitiainen
Melanie Sousa: A hazy shade of winter
Melanie Sousa: Before sunrise
Ron Buening: By the Leg!
Hari K Patibanda: A Dark Fronted Babbler near a water pool
elmeri13: Aegithalos caudatus
Matti Hakkarainen: White-throated dipper - Koskikara
Matti Hakkarainen: Pyy (poikanen) - Hazel grouse (chick)
Andrea Moscato: Zaanse Schans (Netherlands)
Christoph Fischer: Tips and Techniques for Sharp Photographs
Christoph Fischer: The Telephoto: The Ideal Lens for Landscape Photography!
Christoph Fischer: The Importance of Shapes & Balance in Composition.
Leo Kramp: Sanderling | Drieteenstrandloper
bedeauannabelle: Un Peu De Douceur
S.R.G - msucoo93: 小倉城 竹あかり
Melanie Sousa: Calm and cold
Hidekiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!: Japanese Food
Wayne Vierhout: Credit River Ice Jam Male Chaffinch
totakuj: capercaillie
gilgit2: Dusky Thrush (Turdus eunomus)
gilgit2: Rufous-backed Redstart (Phoenicurus erythronotus)
Ron Buening: Intrigued Titmouse
Ron Buening: The Chase
Ron Buening: Morning Nibbles