sacalevic: Three Winged Chimeras are Legs of a Vase of Korgon purple Porphyry & gilded Bronze (Height 162cm: Diameter: 195cm), created by outstanding Altai master Philip Strizhkov at Kolyvan grinding factory in 1811. Hermitage museum, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
sacalevic: Modern Architecture of Russia. Bagration bridge & the Moscow Business Centre towers from left: "Tower 2000", "Naberezhnaya", "Moscow", "Sankt-Petersburg", "Empire", "Evolution", "Mercury-City", Presnenskaya Embankment, Presnensky dt.
sacalevic: Holy Russia, Moscow Architecture, Golden Cupolas of the Resurrection Church in Kadashi Sloboda, 2nd Kadashevsky Lane, Zamoskvorechye district. Православнаѧ Црковь.
Nigel Bewley: NUTHATCH 26
Claire Dumont et Pierre Rainville: Grèbe à bec bigarré / Pied-billed Grebe / (Podilymbus podiceps)
tjhastings_wildlife: House Wren and Young
tjhastings_wildlife: Common Raven
tjhastings_wildlife: Western Gray Squirrel
tjhastings_wildlife: California Tree Frog
tjhastings_wildlife: Gray Flycatcher
tjhastings_wildlife: Burrowing Owl Duo
Draculina (Anne): Roman bridge, Cangas de Onis
pawełpaciorek: Kraśnik sześcioplamek (Zygaena filipendulae)
CR Shaw: Three Men in a Boat
Jemlnlx: Sunset Jersey City
steffos1986: vintage lens photography
Gaetan Bois: Japan - Kamikōchi
Gaetan Bois: Canada - Nova Scotia - Halifax
danilocolombo69: Luna (In Explore)
danilocolombo69: Lievi fluttuano come pensieri (In Explore)
danilocolombo69: E fu subito un mare viola (in Explore)
#Sacho#: Excursion
#Sacho#: Rosen
paulinpascal: Vieille ville de Zermatt
JTTrey: N-Gauged In Play
JTTrey: Rough makes smooth
JTTrey: Improvise [EXPLORED 2023-03-23]